Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Candles by Victoria Candle Haul, August 2014 + Flash Sale & 10% Discount Code

I SO wish somebody would invent Smell-A-Blog for use with certain posts!  This one could certainly benefit because my nose is in heaven right now and I wish I could share that with you.

Candles by Victoria is a family-owned candle company located in the small town of Van, Texas.  They make an astonishing range of candles with hundreds of scents in all different categories. You can get just about any scent combination you can possibly imagine....and many that you can't!  Their candles also come in almost every form imaginable, from quite simple to beautifully crafted works of art.

Since hand poured candles tend to be expensive, I usually wait for a CBV sale to place a new order.  Because of their relative value, I like to order their sampler sets, which are six packs that come in various sizes.  Usually, I can't resist adding at least one or two specialty candles because of their stunning appearance or custom scent.  

There are so many choices available at CBV that I usually try to narrow it down by choosing one or two scent categories; otherwise, I'd be sitting at my computer for hours sorting through all the options. For my latest order, I decided to focus on food scents.  I ordered the Country Sampler, which includes six 9 oz. jars and two specialty candles.  When I picked up the box at the post office, my USPS counter person asked me what was inside the box that smelled so great!  She was so impressed that she actually wrote down CBV's name so she could go check them out for herself.  Here's what was in that amazing smelling box:

CBV always includes a "Scent Shot" for free with your order.  This is a 2 oz. scented wax sample that you can use in a warmer or just remove the lid and set it in a closet, the car or any other small enclosed space. The sample I got this time is "Oak For Men", a clean masculine scent that includes red oak, cedarwood and musk.

The first two candles in the Country Sampler group are "Cinnabon" and "Fluffy Pink Candy".  The first has the intoxicating cinnamon roll smell that you'd expect, just like the real thing without the calories.  (I should mention that CBV has an exceptional talent for mimicking well known fragrances or scent-associated brand names.)  The pink candle is "Fluffy Pink Candy", an absolutely delicious combination of marshmallow fluff, pink sugar and cotton candy.  

The next candle is "Cafe Au Lait".  This one is a repeat for me because I love coffee scented candles; they are usually the first ones I burn through.  This one combines nuts, coffee and cream; really intoxicating first thing in the morning!  The next one is "Mocha", another coffee scent that contains chocolate.  

The purple candle is "Grapefruit Cooler", an odd color with a mellowed out grapefruit scent; not exactly what I expected but fresh and light.  The last candle in the six pack is "Banana Coconut Cream Pie" and that's exactly what it smells like....yum!

I wanted to try one of their orange scents this time so I got the 12 oz. Rock Glass candle in "Orange Vanilla". This smells like an Orange Julius and also reminds me of those push-up orange ice cream things...can't remember what they are called.  I really like this one!


I decided to splurge on the last candle in this order. CBV has some beautifully crafted artisan candles that look like various foods.  This one is "Pink Cupcake" which looks and smells like a delicious vanilla cupcake, complete with colored sprinkles on the top I hate to burn these because their looks are destroyed so quickly but burn it I shall!

So that's the mouth-watering candle order I received this week.  And I haven't gained an ounce!  By the way, I just checked the "Scents" tab on CBV's website and I see that there are about 945 scents available at present.  CBV constantly adds new scents and will custom pour any scent combination your heart desires from those 945 options. (The potential permutations are mind boggling!)

Right now, Candles by Victoria has a flash sale going on where you can get reduced prices on certain items between now and midnight on Sunday, August 17, 2014:

8 oz. Jelly Jar candles - $6.00 (normally $7.75)
16 oz. Country Jar candles - $10.50 (normally $12.75)
2 oz. Scent Shots - $1.75 (normally $2.00)

Based on my experience with Candles by Victoria, these are really good prices so jump on them soon if you're interested.  Also, you can use the code cbvictoria at checkout for a 10% discount on non-sale items. Be sure to sign up for their newsletter too. Their sales tend to be infrequent and short lived so the e-mails keep you from missing out.

Now I need to decide which of these scentalicious new candles to light first!


1 comment: Blog - Buy Indian Handicrafts Online Shopping said...

Thanks for sharing this very useful article to get the answer which is what exactly I am looking for, Scented Jar Candles